
145. Going Deeper with Rosie on Fat Shaming: Navigating Negative Comments & A Size-Biased World

No matter how confident you are, being fat shamed still hurts. Whether it’s intentional or not, overt or covert, no one wants to be fat shamed. It's such a sucky feeling and after talking to our friend Rosie recently about an experience involving fat shaming on a plane, we’re left to wonder, why does this still happen? Why is being called fat such a diss and insult? And why do people think it's okay to say that? 

So, today we’re diving into the root of fat phobia, size stereotypes, and why the term 'fat' is still weaponized as an insult. We’re reflecting on the fat shaming experiences that we've had, how they’ve shaped our confidence, what we’ve learned from them, how to handle these situations, and ultimately how to overcome these negative comments. Remember that you don't have to be a certain size to be confident to be happy.

This might be controversial to say, but for so long I have been saying your life isn't going to be perfect if you lose weight, right? But the sad reality is that people do treat you better and a lot of things are better. - Raeann Langas

What We Talk About:

  • Celebrating Kristina’s grandfather’s 100th birthday

  • How Raeann’s parents met

  • Obsessed with Seth Cohen/The O.C. and Gossip Girl

  • A shocking fat phobic altercation we witnessed during NYFW

  • Rosie’s recent experience with fat shaming on a plane

  • Skinny people are treated better than fat people

  • Unintentional fat shaming from friends

  • Scarcity mentality around body image

  • How we can change our collective culture around fat phobia

  • The lack of representation of people in bigger bodies in media

  • How do we get away from just glorifying thinness?

  • Feeling like we have to prove ourselves with our fitness

The most insidious thing about fat shaming is that so much of it is done in an undertone way. - Rosie Richardson

Where my confidence comes in is, fuck you guys, I'm successful in the body I am right now, and I think I'm confident because I was able to prove them all wrong. - Kristina Zias

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