The Birds Papaya

Ep. 4 — Sarah Nicole Landry Of The Birds Papaya: Calling In vs Calling Out + Self-Love and Self-Acceptance + Pregnancy and Prenatal Depression

The Birds Papaya

The Episode:

We are so excited to have self love advocate and body activist Sarah Nicole Landry of @TheBirdsPapaya on today’s episode to talk about body acceptance and advocating for yourself while pregnant. We discuss empathy, vulnerability and how being “willing to be wrong” allows us to learn and grow. She speaks about the necessary discomfort in change and how diversity of thought allows us to move forward. Later in the episode, Sarah opens up about her struggles with prenatal depression and her determination to redefine motherhood with this pregnancy. We are so grateful for her openness and honesty, and hope you connect with her vulnerability as much as we do.


We Also Talk About:

  • Confidence in Decision-Making

  • Accountability and Cancel Culture

  • Journalling and Finding Your Own Voice

  • Body Autonomy and Plastic Surgery

  • Redefining Motherhood

  • Self Love as an Action

  • The Fear of Losing Yourself During Pregnancy and Motherhood

  • Self Love vs Self Acceptance

  • Body Respect and Stretch Marks/Cellulite