138. Decentering Romance & Defining Your Life Beyond Your Relationship Status with Khaylah Epps

Today we are excited to sit down with our friend, Khaylah Epps. She is the voice behind the podcast I Might Die Alone, and if you're a single woman, you're going to see a lot of yourself in Khaylah and how she is approaching romantic love in her life. In her podcast, she celebrates women who are defining their lives beyond their relationship status and dives deep into the dichotomy of wanting romantic love, but also not letting that absence consume us.

In this episode we talk to Khaylah about her journey of decentering romance in her life and what that has looked like for her. We talk about her desperate era and experience being on The Bachelor, her ultra independent era, and how she’s landed in her current gray era; finding a good balance between wanting a romantic relationship without letting that desire become the center of her life. Khaylah shares beautiful insight and advice about the difference between being single and being alone, why there shouldn’t be a hierarchy of relationships, and navigating friendships with people in all phases of life.

We're so excited for you to hear this episode and encourage you to check out Khaylah’s podcast, I Might Die Alone, if you enjoy or relate to this conversation!

What I'm challenging is the idea of obsessing over a romantic relationship and saying that it is the most important relationship for you to find in this lifetime. I just disagree with it. I think it's beautiful but I think so many other relationships are beautiful as well, and there should be no hierarchy. - Khaylah Epps

What We Talk About:

  • Traveling versus vacationing

  • Obsessed with: the age filter on Tik Tok & A Court of Thorns and Roses

  • Where this pressure to be in a relationship comes from

  • How to begin to decenter romance

  • Learnings from Khaylah’s desperate, ultra independence and gray eras

  • How to understand and uncover your patterns in therapy

  • Khaylah’s experience on The Bachelor

  • Building a community of female friendships

  • Navigating friendships in different life phases

Having really intimate romantic friendships is so important. A community of women has brought so much fulfillment to my life in the last three years that I've been single. I would not be able to survive without my girlfriends. - Raeann

Being in a relationship isn't like the end all be all. We need to stop at this linear definition of what is a happy partnership because that's different for everyone. - Kristina

New podcast episodes of Confident Collective drop every Tuesday.
